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Welcome new users to the server by sending a welcome message to a channel whenever they join.

Required channel permissions

KBot needs these permissions in the set channel to be able to send messages: View Channel, Send Messages, Embed Links.


To setup welcome messages, use /welcome set.

Once you have made sure that the bot has required permissions in the set channel, you can enable the feature with /welcome toggle.

Testing messages

In order to see what the welcome message looks like before any users join, use /welcome test.

Message variables

The possible message variables and their descriptions are listed below.

{nl}This adds a new line to the text.
{@member}To @ them.
{membertag}The username and tag of the user (ie. KBot#7091).
{server}The name of the server.


Welcome to {server}, {membertag}! Please take a moment to read the rules.Welcome to KBot Support, KBot#7091! Please take a moment to read the rules.