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The command is a slash command.

Context-Menu - Message

The command is a Context-Menu command that target messages. To use them, right-click or tap a message and select Apps.

Context-Menu - User

The command is a Context-Menu command that targets users. To use them, right-click or tap a user and select Apps.

Uses autocomplete

One or more of the options on a command makes use of autocomplete. Autocomplete allows you to search for the value you want rather than having to memorize or copy-paste it.


The command creates an interactive menu when run, such as having pages you can move through and/or buttons to edit what is displayed.

Core Commands

Echo Slash

Sends the provided text to the selected channel.

/echo simple

Sends the provided text.

TextThe text of the message.
ChannelThe channel to send the message to.
RoleThe role to ping.

/echo detailed

Open a text modal and then sends the submitted text. Useful if you need proper formatting.

ChannelThe channel to send the message to.
RoleThe role to ping.

Help Slash Uses autocomplete

Get info about the bot and all of it's commands.

CommandGet info about a specific command.

Pat Context-Menu - User

Creates a pat gif of the member.

Permissions Slash

Info on how to change command permissions and the defaults that are set on the bot. The same info can be found here.

Ping Slash

Ping the bot to see if it is alive.

uwu Context-Menu - Message

uwu-ify a message.

Event Commands

Events Slash

Edit the settings of the events module.

/events toggle

Enable or disable the events module.

ValueTrue: the module is enabled. False: The module is disabled.

/events settings

Show the current settings.

Karaoke Slash

Join or leave the karaoke queue.

/karaoke join

Join the queue.

/karaoke duet

Join the queue as a duet.

PartnerThe partner for your duet.

/karaoke leave

Leave the queue.

/karaoke queue

Show the current queue.

/karaoke help

Show info about karaoke commands.

Manage Slash

Create, end, or manage events.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions for the command to run: Mute Members, Move Members, Manage Channels.

/manage karaoke start

Start a karaoke event.

Voice channelThe stage or voice channel for the karaoke event.
Text channelThe channel to show queue rotations and instructions.
TopicIf it's a stage channel, the topic of the stage (default: "Karaoke Event")
RoleThe role to ping for the event.

/manage karaoke schedule Uses autocomplete

Schedule a karaoke event.

Discord eventThe Discord event that the karaoke event will be for.
Text channelThe channel to show queue rotations and instructions.
RoleThe role to ping for the event.

/manage karaoke stop Uses autocomplete

Stop a karaoke event.

EventThe event to stop.

/manage karaoke add Uses autocomplete

Add a user to a karaoke queue.

EventThe event to add the user to.
UserThe user to add.

/manage karaoke remove Uses autocomplete

Remove a user from a karaoke queue.

EventThe event to remove the user from.
UserThe user to remove.

/manage karaoke menu Menu

Open the menu to manage karaoke events.

More info about managing events can be found here.

Moderation Commands

Anti-Hoist Slash

Prevent usernames that place the user to the top of the member list.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions for the command to run: Manage Nicknames.

/antihoist toggle

Enable or disable anti-hoist.

ValueTrue: anti-hoist is enabled. False: anti-hoist is disabled.

/antihoist settings

Show the current settings.

Minage Slash

Set a minimum required account age for users to join the server.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions for the command to run: Kick Members.

/minage set

Set the account age requirements and kick message.

The response option can be formatted with variables which are listed here.

DaysNew users below the set amount of days will be kicked and sent a message.
ResponseMessage to be sent on kick.

/minage unset

Unset the current settings.

DaysReset the required days to 0.
ResponseReset the kick message to default.

/minage test

Test the minage message.

/minage toggle

Enable or disable minage.

ValueTrue: the module is enabled. False: The module is disabled.

/minage settings

Show the current settings.

Moderation Slash

Edit the settings of the moderation module.

/moderation set

Set new moderation module settings.

Report channelThe channel to send reports to.

/moderation unset

Reset moderation module settings.

Report channelUnset the current report channel.

/moderation permissions

Audit the bot's permissions for moderation features.

/moderation toggle

Enable or disable the moderation module.

ValueTrue: the module is enabled. False: The module is disabled.

/moderation settings

Show the current settings.

Report Context-Menu - Message

Send the reported message to the set moderator channel.

You can check out this page to see info about how it works.

User Slash

Get info on a user.

UserThe user or the ID of the user to get info for.

Notification Commands

YouTube Slash

Add, remove, or edit YouTube subscriptions.

Supported channels

The only supported channels are the ones that are listed on Holodex.

/youtube subscribe Uses autocomplete

Subscribe to a new channel.

AccountSearch the name of the channel and get an autocompleted list. Only channels on Holodex are supported.

/youtube unsubscribe Uses autocomplete

Unsubscribe from a channel.

SubscriptionThe YouTube subscription you want to remove.

/youtube set Uses autocomplete

Set YouTube notification settings.

SubscriptionThe YouTube subscription you want to change settings for.
MessageThe message for the notification.
ChannelThe channel to send notifications to.
RoleThe role to ping for notifications.
Member channelThe channel to send member notifications to.
Member roleThe role to ping for member notifications.

/youtube unset Uses autocomplete

Unset YouTube notification settings.

SubscriptionThe YouTube subscription you want to change settings for.
MessageReset the notification message to default.
ChannelRemove the channel that notifications are sent to.
RoleRemove the ping role.
Member channelRemove the channel that member notifications are sent to.
Member roleRemove the member ping role.

/youtube role_reaction

Automatically handle role reactions for YouTube subscriptions.

ChannelThe channel to send the role reaction embed to.

/youtube toggle

Enable or disable the YouTube module.

ValueTrue: the module is enabled. False: The module is disabled.

/youtube subscriptions Menu

Show the current YouTube subscriptions.

Utility Commands

Add Emote Context-Menu - Message

Adds the image attachment, link, or emoji that is in the message.

Priority is emoji > attachment > link.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions for the command to run: Manage Emojis and Stickers.

Credits Slash

Send credits to a channel.

/credits emote Uses autocomplete

Add a new emote credit entry.

NameThe name of the emote to add credits for.

/credits sticker Uses autocomplete

Add a new sticker credit entry.

NameThe name of the sticker to add credits for.

/credits image

Add a new image credit entry.

/credits set

Set a new emote credits channel.

ChannelThe channel to send emote credits to.

/credits unset

Reset the emote credits channel.

/credits settings

Show the current settings.

Discord Status Slash

Get updates about Discord outages sent to a channel.

/discordstatus set

Set the channel to send notifications to.

ChannelThe channel to send status updates to.

/discordstatus unset

Unset the current channel.

/discordstatus settings

Show the current settings.

Poll Slash

Create, end, or manage polls.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions for the command to run: View Channel, Send Messages, Embed Links.

/poll create

Create a poll. There must be at least 2 options.

Time format

Click here for info on how to format the time option.

QuestionThe question or topic of the poll.
TimeTime the poll will run for.
Option 1The poll's first option.
Option 2The poll's second option.
Option 3The poll's third option.
Option 10The poll's tenth option.

/poll menu Menu

Show the menu for managing polls.

Utility Slash

Edit the settings of the utility module.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions for the command to run: View Channel, Send Messages, Embed Links.

/utility toggle

Enable or disable the utility module.

ValueTrue: the module is enabled. False: The module is disabled.

/utility settings

Show the current settings.

Welcome Commands

Welcome Slash

Edit the settings of the welcome module.

/welcome set

Set welcome module settings.

ChannelThe channel to send welcome messages to.
MessageThe content of the message.
TitleThe title of the embed.
DescriptionThe description of the embed.
ImageThe image to use for the embed.
ColorThe color of the embed.

/welcome unset

Reset welcome module settings.

ChannelUnset the current welcome channel.
MessageUnset the current welcome message.
TitleUnset the current the title of the embed.
DescriptionUnset the current the description of the embed.
ImageUnset the current the image.
ColorUnset the current the color of the embed.

/welcome test

Test the welcome message.

/welcome toggle

Enable or disable the welcome module.

ValueTrue: the module is enabled. False: The module is disabled.

/welcome settings

Show the current settings.