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Require users joining your server to have a certain account age.

Required bot permissions

KBot needs these permissions in order for Minage to function: Kick Members.


Set the required age (in days) and kick message with /minage set.

Once you have made sure that the bot has the Kick Members permission, you can enable the feature with /minage toggle.

Message variables

The possible message variables and their descriptions are listed below.

{server}The name of the server.
{req}The required amount of days.
{days}The amount of days until the user can join the server.
{date}The date on which the user can join the server.


You have been kicked from {server} because your account is under {req} day(s) old.You have been kicked from KBot Support because your account is under 30 day(s) old.
Your account is under {req} day(s) old. Please join in {days} or on {date}.Your account is under 30 day(s) old. Please join in 15 day(s) or on 03/04/2023.