Have YouTube stream notifications sent to a channel in your server.
Supported channels
The only supported channels are the ones that are listed on Holodex, which can be found here: Vtubers.
Subscribing to a channel
To subscribe to a YouTube channel, use /youtube subscribe.
The list of channel names that pop up use autocomplete, so simply search for the channel name you wish to subscribe to and select it. Entering an ID which is not listed will result in an error.
Unsubscribing from a channel
To unsubcribe from a channe, use /youtube unsubscribe.
The shown list is generated from your current YouTube subscriptions.
Role reactions
Setting up role reactions is generally a pain. As such, KBot has a feature to automatically keep track of which of your subscriptions have a role set and then create a role reaction message from that.
To set this up, all you need to run is /youtube role_reaction.